Engineering Course Information

This page has course information that applies to all the Applied Science courses taught by the Ivan Curry School of Engineering. You will be provided at course syllabus at the beginning of the term for each course you take.


Graduate Attributes:

In accordance with the Canadian Accreditation Board (CEAB) all accredited Canadian engineering institutions must demonstrate that the graduates of their programs possess the attributes described under the following headings:

  1. Knowledge base for engineering
  2. Problem Analysis
  3. Investigation
  4. Design
  5. Use of engineering tools
  6. Innovation and team work
  7. Communication skills
  8. Professionalism
  9. Impact of engineering on society
  10. Ethics and equity
  11. Economics and project management
  12. Lifelong learning

Each of these 12 attributes has been subdivided into three subsections (A, B, C), such that all 36 attributes will be measured over all courses in the engineering program over two-year cycles. Throughout your courses, students will be occasionally evaluated in terms of these attributes through their answers to selected labs, assignments, test questions or final exam questions. Refer to your specific courses for the attributes to be measured.

The results are compiled and submitted in an anonymous manner such that program performance is being evaluated in terms of consolidated results by discipline, not that of the individual students.


Students with disabilities that affect learning:

If you are a student with a documented disability who anticipates needing accommodations, please inform your instructor after you meet with staff from Accessible Learning Services located in Rhodes Hall. Their contact information is 585-1823 or Accessible Learning Services has an online system: .


Academic Integrity:

Academic integrity demands responsible use of the work of others. It is compromised by academic dishonesty such as cheating and plagiarism. A student who is uncertain whether or not a course of action might constitute cheating or plagiarism should seek in advance the advice of the instructor.

  • Cheating is copying or the use of unauthorized aids or the intentional falsification or invention of information in any academic exercise. Providing direction to a fellow student with your assignment in hand in not cheating; handing your assignment to your fellow student to help them is cheating.
  • Plagiarism is the act of presenting the ideas or words of another as one's own. Students are required to acknowledge and document the sources of ideas that they use in their written work. Content presented from AI sources (including ChatGBT) without acknowledgement is considered plagiarism.
  • Self-plagiarism is also a form of plagiarism. It is the presentation of the same work in more than one course without the permission of the instructors involved.
  • A student who knowingly helps another to commit an act of academic dishonesty is equally guilty.
  • Penalties are levied in relation to the degree of the relevant infraction. They range from requiring the student to re-do the piece of work, through failure on that piece of work, to failure in the course, and to dismissal from the university.

Further information is found in the university academic calendar (page 39).


Writing Center Assistance:

The Writing Centre offers free help to all students wishing to improve their writing skills. You can sign up online today:


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:

The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer is available to students, staff, and faculty. The fundamental objective of the Equity Office is to prevent discrimination, sexual harassment, and personal harassment from occurring, in part by managing Acadia’s Policy Against Harassment and Discrimination: (

For more information, as well as for resources for students who believe they may have experienced or witnessed discrimination, sexual harassment, or personal harassment please contact Acadia’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Polly Leonard, MSW, RSW (she/her/hers) at equity@ACADIAU.CA, and check out the website.


Share the Air Policy:

Acadia is a scent-free and smoke-free campus. Everyone on campus should refrain from wearing scented products such as perfume/cologne/after-shave/hair spray etc. Violation of this policy could lead to your removal from class/lab/tutorial and potential academic penalties because of missed work. You can find the full Share the Air Policy on the HR website here.